Keeping track of a product through a painting or coating process is a challenge. Clear laminating films have long been used to protect bar code images from assault by chemicals and abrasion. BarScan has devised a way to use these clear films to serve a different industrial requirement. Process tracking can be accomplished without loss of integrity of the data due to label changes or loss in the paint cycle.
BarScan durable polyester label is placed in a location not easily detected. The laminate acts as a paint mask and can be painted over. When the product emerges from the drying room, a small paper tab is left under one edge of the laminating film allowing the laminate or mask to be easily removed. It is positioned not to interfere with scanning. When necessary, this tab can lift the film from the face of the label to allow scanning after it has been painted. In many cases, the laminate can be put back down to allow for additional cycles. If the tracking label is meant to be a permanent part of the product, the masking laminate can be placed over a permanent laminate to give lifetime protection to the data. |